November 25, 2021

Happy Holidays!

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Dear neighbor, 

Happy Holidays! I am sending warm wishes and positive energy your way as we enter the holiday season. The last two years have had a huge impact on our community as we navigated a pandemic, and some days fared better than others. I hope that you find comfort and peace amongst loved ones this week and find time to enjoy good company as we reflect on where we are and where we would like to go. 

As a district and nation at large the historical significance of Thanksgiving can not be lost on us. For example, here in NY-16 we gather on the land of the Wappinger and Munsee Lenape. American history and the traditions we have come to know have roots that continue to impact the Native American community today. It is my hope that while we are with our families, we take time to reflect and acknowledge the history of this day.

In our Jewish community, neighbors will also begin celebrating Hanukkah on November 28th. Hanukkah Semeach to all who observe the holiday - may the season bring you peace and light. To all of our neighbors here in New York’s 16th Congressional District, peace and love. 

As always, feel free to reach out to my office if I can be a resource or for more information. 


Congressman Jamaal Bowman